Drawn logo for Shrimpoe. Yellow and red text over a blue circle. There is a cartoon shrimp over the text.

Para's Site Blog

Tue 12/19/23

Burnout kicking my ass. I feel like shit. No more joy in the world, yeah it's all gone

Fri 12/08/23

Today I worked on the dollhouse, graphics, and para pages, as well as creating the connected f/o pages to dollhouse. Limited weed again, so the day was foggy and gloomy in my brain. I did draw an image I like, so that's nice. Image posted to my Tumblr, subscribe! I will probably stop working for tonight. Maybe I'll doodle in my sketchbook.

Thu 12/07/23

Hi! I've now set up the blog area of the site! Another day of websiting. Today I worked on the home, house, laptop, blog, and dollhouse pages. I'm very excited to keep working, this is fun!